速報APP / 工具 / Import Export Contacts Plus

Import Export Contacts Plus





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Import Export Contacts Plus(圖1)-速報App

Now you can easily import and export contacts using ....

Main Features:-

==> Update, modify and maintain your contacts easily and conveniently on your computer using Excel, OpenOffice or any other Excel-compatible application.-------------

==> Sends all of your contacts to you from your phone in a convenient zip file by email, SD card, Dropbox, Google Drive or Box! Contact photos are sent, too!------------

==> You don’t need to share your contacts with Yahoo or other websites in order to have a backup. The export file contains ALL of your contacts in a convenient, easy format.---------

==> Restoring or changing contacts from the spreadsheet is as simple as uploading the file to your phone via USB, email, Dropbox, Google Drive or Box. It couldn't be easier.----------------

Import Export Contacts Plus(圖2)-速報App

==> You can print a hardcopy of your phone contacts.----------

==> You can now export phone contacts to an Excel file which can then be imported to Outlook Contacts directly.----------

==> You can also import contacts from an Excel file that has been exported from Outlook to your phone.-------------

==> You can now export/import phone contacts to/from a Gmail CSV-format file(UTF-8 encoded or Unicode encoded).------------

==> All Contact fields except Ringtones can be exported/imported.-------------

==> You can organise your contacts into groups easily on a spreadsheet and also assign a contact to multiple groups.---------------

Import Export Contacts Plus(圖3)-速報App

==> You can remove all phone contacts or groups before importing your organized contacts.--------------

==> Support 50,000+ contact entries.----------------

==> All column headers and labels in the Excel file are localized.--------------

==> Export an Excel file with all photos included - this makes the contacts in your spreadsheet look better.--------------

==> You can password protect your export file.------------

==> Export/Import contacts to/from a VCF file.----------

Import Export Contacts Plus(圖4)-速報App

==> Schedule backup. The app can backup all contacts to SD card, Dropbox, Google Drive and Box automatically.------------

==> The lite version allow you to export or import first 300 entries, The full version has no limit.------------

==>Thank You<==

Import Export Contacts Plus(圖5)-速報App